Open Youth World Championship Matchplay 2024

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Individual result for

Annika Sophia Hensel, Germany

Category: Female Youth
Rank: 12

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
1F02 Horseshoe1
2F03 Boxes2
3F05 Middle hill1
4F06 German ledge2
5F07 Twin gate3
6F08 Örkelljunga2
7F12 Side gates in slope7
8F16 Double gate in slope7
9F17 Side hole in slope2
10M01 Concrete 121
11M03 Straight lane with target window1
12M05 Sticks1
13M07 Sloped circle with kidney1
14M08 Middle hill1
15M13 Wedge7
16M15 Rhombus1
17M16 Bridge7
18M17 Concrete 147

Sum 54
Average: 54,000
Total result: 54

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